Saturday, March 3, 2012


Kids. I have my own personal set. I love and enjoy mine more than I could ever put into words. They make my life so much richer. They make me laugh. They help me slow down. They help me see what really matters. They also help me improvise. I love my kids so much. I am so incredibly glad that I am a mom. I am so glad that it is my kisses that are magic. I am so glad my hugs are so desirable. That my company is appreciated.

To follow that up, I have a confession. I don't really like kids in general.  Seriously. I know, I am awful or deficient. I just don't have that all encompassing love that some awesome people do (like my sister-in-law.) I find them stressful and messy. Loud and draining.

At least that is where I have let myself stay for a good long time. But times change. I have entered a new realm. A realm where I can no longer hide in my house and ignore everyone but my family any longer. I have shied away from having other people's children around for more than absolutely necessary for a long time.  But God has a different plan for me. A plan that includes nearly every kid in the neighborhood being in my home at various points in the week.  I have also been given the calling of being a nursery leader side by side with my fabulous husband.

So my life is kids. Mine. The neighbor's. My friend's, my sister's, fellow church goer's.

Ya know what? It isn't so bad. It is even fun sometimes. Oh, yea it is messier and louder than it would be without all my helpers. I am working on giving in and accepting that this is my place right now. I have been placed in a special position where I can touch the lives of children who have some needs I can help fill. Am I going to be able to fix every kid's problems? No. I can't even fix all of my own kids problems. ( When someone figures out the trick for teaching a kid which battles are worth fighting let me know! )

I am so grateful that I have been blessed to stay home with my children. I am also grateful that I can help be an anchor to those who aren't in such a fortunate circumstance.

I only hope I can live up to what God has in store. He has sent me something that is quite a challenge for me personally. But by embracing instead of fighting, it has become a whole lot less stressful and a whole lot more fun.

Right now my life is children. I hope to learn and grow here. I hope you can accept whatever he threw at you. Not only accept by the end, but love also.

Now, I am going to sit back and enjoy having a vacuumed carpet for the fleeting moment that it looks nice.

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