Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I have learned alot this week.

I have learned a lot this last little while. Here is an over view of what gathered this weekend while having 8 children 6 years and under in my house.

1. Com paired to some, I am a REALLY laid back mom. I mean REALLY, REALLY laid back mom.

2. I can not stand constant chanting, "No! stop that." ," leave her alone" ," gently" " softly"," not so hard," "Will you cut that out?!" " Get over here!"," I am counting!"," will you just cut it out!?","Listen to me already", "Give that back", " What did you do that for?"

3. Some people just can not let kids be kids. Kids like to get dirty, they wrestle, they get wet, they do not care if their hands are dirty when they eat, they can work out a lot of problems on their own.... if you let them.

4. Boys seem to be viewed as the enemy, girls as precious. Boys can be brutal, but girls can be WAY too manipulative.

5. Boundaries are over rated, at least in the mind of a 6 year old boy, or a two year old girl, or any other child that happens to come over.

6. Pick up truck bed is a great place for a dance party.

7. One baby can produce an awful lot of snot.

8. Children who watch too much TV on a regular basis are really annoying to have around when you need to have a break.

9. Other kids cry too, not just mine.

10. A lobster over 100 years old can grow to be 15 lbs.

11. Only some kids actually want to touch a lobster that large.

12. Ok so this one is one I already knew, but was reminded of, again. The Clarks are possibly the best band in the entire world. I am in no way kidding. I don't know why other bands even play music. The Clarks can write and perform music better than any other band I have ever encountered. If you don't know who they are go now and find samples of thier music. They are awesome! What other band would turn thier new cd release concert into a tribute to the Penguins for winning that Stanely Cup. There was "Let's go Pens" chanting that kept breaking out during the concert, the band was even chanting with us. Seriously the best band ever. Find them. Love them.

13. My sister in law is one of the most awesome people in the entire world. Why on earth does she lives so far away?

Those are my profound thoughts for the moment. I have plenty of stories from the whole deal if you actually want to hear them, though I doubt it. Most of them are me not putting up with one particularly bratty niece. She was much better behaved by the end of the visit....

1 comment:

  1. oh! oh! my personal favorite is the "no, no, honey" in a calm voice when they are doing something manaiacal. cuz...they can't hurt anyone, right? riiiight.
    and i hear you on letting kids be kids. they are SUPPOSED to get dirty and play in the mud and smash raisins and have juice dribble down their chin cuz they don't know to swallow before they start talking. that's what makes them so hilarious!
