Here is what is called "cappings" It is the wax they cut off the comb so they could drain the honey off.
Here it is boiling. Beeswax is flammable so you have to keep an eye on it. I warm up the water to about med-high and once it gets really going I turn it down to nearly low. See that brown stuff? Despite my best efforts it never melted.
You can see my non- melting brown stuff here. It was starting to cool down. At this stage all I did was set the whole pot to the side and let it solidify. Due to wax being lighter than water, it all just floated to the top and hardens.
Here is the top of my pretty wax disc,
This was my very first attempt, Since then I have been putting cheese clothe over various other recyclable containers and straining the slum gum out. So that is a glimpse of what I have been working on.