Monday, May 17, 2010

Naomi's dream

Naomi had a dream lastnight that Raphael the Ninja Turtle came to visit her. He asked her to watch a movie with him. What did they watch you might ask? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I. Raphael really likes that movie .


  1. I had a nightmare about Shredder chasing me and the ninja turtles into a room full of jello when I was little, and thereafter we weren't allowed to watch it. hehe.

  2. Really? 'Cause all this time I thought that the TMNT were really secret fans of "Sense and Sensibility" (Well, all things Austen, really). I am totally stunned by this revelation.

    Well, not really. But I do really love our little Raphael/Squirrel!
