Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trying to take over the world.

So about 3 years ago we had this older couple stop by to help us be "reborn". It is nice and sweet of them to be concerned about my personal well being. I have dealt with other churches that due to the fact that I am Mormon kind of just wrote me off as beyond saving. Sadly this couple just doesn't go away. They like to set up lots of points to tell you how wrong and stupid you are for believing what you currently believe.

So yesterday they showed up again. They lectured me about how Hitler and Al Capone were baptised so obviously baptism doesn't mean anything at all. And take a look at this brochure of how big our church is getting, we have had to remodel because so many people are coming. ( We handle that problem by building more buildings.), but anyway. I just smiled and nodded, there is nothing in the world that I am going to say that is going to change their mind that I am not going to hell and I am not going to listen to them because I have a testimony of my religion. Arguing doesn't get anyone anywhere. Luckily Naomi came outside crying and they went on their way.

Then an SUV pulled up beside them as they were going door to door across the street. They decided to come back and tell me all about what the guy in the car had to say to them. ( I honestly don't care, I just assumed he was one of the thousands that go to their incredible church stopping to say hi. ) I guess he was a Muslim trying to get them to read the Koran. So I got a lecture about how dangerous Muslims are and the Koran says to kill everybody. The thing in the conversation that got to me was when he talked about how quickly they are reproducing and how everyone else in the world is not. This is the quote that got me:

Crazy missionary man, : "They are trying to take over the world, and that is how they are going to do it."
Me,( I let so much go by, I just couldn't let that one go.) " Isn't that what Christians are trying to do too?"

Should have seen the look on his face. No, No. Christians are good and they are bad so they shouldn't take over the world. We don't kill people they do.

I can be honest. I really do want Christianity to take over the world. I just don't want it forced on anyone that doesn't agree. I do want everyone in the entire world to have the chance to learn of Christ, but no, not going to kill anyone who decides they are better otherwise.

Just don't demonize them for having the exact same goal. OK if they are taking a tactic you don't agree with, but don't pretend they are trying to do something evil, when it is your goal too. Honestly did they really think they were that different when they go to every single door in Butler, aren't they doing their own little convert the world campaign right here?

Then he told me to tell Ethan "hi". So I told Ethan "hi" I don't know if he meant for me mention it was from the crazy man or not. So I didn't.

Hee hee hee. He also looks at me with a very stern unfriendly face and says," You are looking at the happiest people in the world, Most joyful." We're happy dang it. Don't you see just how stinkin joyful we are!? You want to be like us. US! I tell you!

He also didn't like it when I mentioned we were still Mormons and in fact going out to Colorado for a friends baptism in a month, and that I am even teaching my children Mormon doctrine. You could just see him cringe. Hahahah, makes me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Vanessa- how could you teach that to your children? Have you no common decency? Teach them that they are children of Heavenly parents, and that Jesus loves them, and one day none of us will have cellulite or wrinkles. And how to make wheat patties. You have no shame. LOL. Sometimes I feel like I am the one saying "I am happy, dangit!" -Kelly B
